- LAURA BRATTAIN brattainl@ll.mit.edu
Bioengineering Systems and Technology Group
Visiting Scientist at MGH lbrattain@mgh.harvard.edu
- ROBERT HAUPT Haupt@LL.mit.edu
Active Optical Systems Group
- VLADIMIR LIBERMAN vlad@ll.mit.edu
Chemical, Microsystem , Nanoscale Technologies Group
Vladimir Liberman’s professional page
- BRIAN TELFER telfer@ll.mit.edu
Bioengineering Systems and Technology Group
- CHARLES WYNN cwynn@ll.mit.edu
Chemical, Microsystem , Nanoscale Technologies Group
Charles Wynn’s professional page
Lincoln Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA
Lincoln Laboratory’s official page
- PAUL CARSON pcarson@umich.edu
Paul Carson’s professional page
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan’s official page
- BRIAN S. GARRA brian.garra@fda.hhs.gov and bgarra@gmail.com
CDRH, US Food & Drug Administration
Department of Veteran Affairs,Silver Springs, Maryland
Medical Imaging Ministries of America, Removing Barriers to Medical Imaging
10810 Lake Minneola Shores Clermont, Florida
- TIM HALL tjhall@wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin’s official page
- KATHRYN NIGHTINGALEkathy.nightingale@duke.edu
Kathryn Nightingale’s professional page
- MARK PALMERI mark.palmeri@duke.edu
Mark Palmeri’s professional page
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Duke University’s official page
- THOMAS SZABO tlszabo@bu.edu
Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
Boston University’s official page
- BRIAN W. ANTHONY bantnony@mit.edu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA