Books and Chapters

Kulkarni, N., Samir, A.E., Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, World Health Organization, and Other Response Criteria, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 1029-1037

Panek, R., Garg, A.R., McCarthy, C.J., Samir A.E., Benign and Malignant Bladder Lesions, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 850-863.

Seale, M.K., Samir A.E., Urinary Tract Obstruction, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 815-825

Dhyani, M., Katz, D.P., Udeshi, M., Kurup, A.N., Samir A.E., Benign, Malignant, and Cystic Focal Renal Lesions, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 729-748.

Dhyani, M., Katz, D.P., Udeshi, M., Kurup, A.N., Samir A.E., Benign, Malignant, and Cystic Focal Renal Lesions, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 729-748

McCarthy, C.J., Katz, D.P., Kurup, A.N., Udeshi, M., Perini, R.F., Pryma, D.A., Samir A.E., Imaging of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 729-748.

Dhyani, M., Grajo, J., Ma, X., Samir, A.E., Advanced Ultrasound Techniques: Liver Elastography, Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography, and Four-Dimensional Ultrasound, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 2nd Ed., Elsevier, 2017, 38-44.

Dhyani M., Li, C., Samir, A.E., Stephen, A., Elastography: Applications and Limitations of a New Technology, Advanced Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound, Springer UK, 2017, 67-73.

Sahani, D.V., Samir, A.E.Imaging Expert: Abdominal Imaging 2nd Ed – Elsevier, scheduled for publication March 2016. A 1,000-page text that covers all imaging modalities for diseases of the abdomen and pelvis, with an accompanying expanded online text resource published by Elsevier as part of Elsevier Clinical Key.

Sahani, D.V., Samir, A.E.Imagenologia Abdominal – Elsevier, September 2015. The Spanish translation of Abdominal Imaging, a comprehensive 1600-page two-volume text that covers all imaging modalities for diseases of the abdomen and pelvis.

Samir A.E., Thyroid Biopsy, In: Gervais and Sabharwal eds. Interventional Radiology procedures in Biopsy and Drainage, 1st Ed., Springer UK, 2011, 87-92.

Catalano, OA, Samir A.E., Renal Biopsy, In: Gervais and Sabharwal eds. Interventional Radiology procedures in Biopsy and Drainage, 1st Ed., Springer UK, 2011, 59-68.

Panek, R., Samir A.E., Malignant Bladder Tumors, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1224-1235.

Garg, A., Samir A.E., Benign Bladder Tumors, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1217-1223.

Saunders, A., Samir A.E., Malignant Ureteral Strictures, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1208-1216.

Saunders, A., Samir A.E., Benign Ureteral Strictures, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1189-1207.

Seale, M.K., Samir A.E., Urinary Tract Obstruction, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1177-1188.

Katz, D., Samir A.E., Cystic Renal Lesions, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1112-1126.

Kurup, A., Samir A.E., Focal Renal Malignancies, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1096-1111.

Udeshi, M., Samir A.E., Benign Focal Renal Lesions, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., 2010, 1087-1095.

Udeshi, M., Samir A.E., MRI of the Urinary Tract, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, November 2010, 1068-1074.

Kurup, A., Samir A.E., CT of the Urinary Tract, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1057-1067.

Katz, D., Samir A.E., Conventional Imaging of the Urinary Tract, In: Sahani, D.S. and Samir A.E. eds. Abdominal Imaging, 1st Ed., Elsevier, 2010, 1045-1056.

Sahani, D.V., Samir, A.E.Imaging Expert: Abdominal Imaging – Elsevier, November 2010. A comprehensive 1600-page two-volume text that covers all imaging modalities for diseases of the abdomen and pelvis.

Steinman, T.I., Samir, A.E. & Cornell, L.D. “Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 27-2008. A 64-year-old man with abdominal pain, nausea, and an elevated level of serum creatinine”, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2008, 359(9):951-960.

Brooks, D.M., Samir, A.E., Liver Ultrasound, In: Goldberg and Pettersson, eds. NICER Yearbook of Ultrasonography, Informa Healthcare, 2nd Ed., 2002, 343-347.